If you think that your baby has pink eye, then quickly make an appointment with your doctor to find out the proper treatment
Treatments can range from antibiotics to laser eye surgery. The type of treatment that is chosen will depend on the cause of the pink eye symptoms.
- Allergy: If you think that your baby has an allergy, immediately make an appointment with your pediatrician for a checkup. Allergy can be caused by dust mites, pets, pollen and food allergies. Your doctor may decide to treat the allergy with an antihistamine drug. In severe cases, your doctor may opt for a procedure known as Epinephrine Injections, or EIA. However, these treatments may result in redness and swelling of the eyes.
- Bacteria: If you think that bacteria is the reason behind your baby's pink eye symptoms, then your doctor can prescribe antibiotics. If you don't want to take antibiotics, your doctor may choose a topical antibiotic that will be applied to the infected eye. This treatment can help prevent bacterial infections. However, if this method does not work, your doctor may prescribe a topical antibiotic drops.
- A fungal infection: If your baby's pink eye is caused by a fungal infection, your doctor can prescribe antifungal creams. These creams can also be used to treat other conditions. The cream should not be used by babies under 12 months old as they are more sensitive to the effects of antifungals. Antifungal drops are prescribed by the doctor to help eliminate the yeast that is causing the pink eye symptoms.
- Ringworm: The infection of the eyelid can result in ringworm, which occurs on the baby's eyelids. Ringworms tend to spread to other areas of the baby's body. As the infection spreads, the ringworm can begin to cause itching and redness in the affected areas. Ringworm can also lead to scarring, as well as a yellow discoloration of the eye's cornea.
- Mange: Mange is a condition where the color of the skin changes and results in a thickening of the skin in the affected area. This thickening of the skin is called mottling. Mange can result in sagging of the skin and can also result in thickening and darkening of the eyelid tissue. Mange can also cause a burning and itching sensation while the eye is closed.
- Contact lens: If the pinkeye is caused by eye problems such as conjunctiva, corneal ulcers or tears, then the doctor may suggest a lens prescription. This lens may be prescribed to provide relief from any discomfort in the eye. For more serious conditions, the doctor may choose a surgical procedure such as Epi-Lasik.
All treatments for pink eye symptoms should be discussed with your doctor so that you will know what is best for your baby's health. Treatments can vary depending on the severity of your baby's symptoms, but the doctor will also discuss any risk factors that may lead to complications or side effects with your family and discuss any risks of the procedure that you may be considering.
Once you have discussed all of the options with your doctor, he or she will begin the treatment process
Your doctor may use one of several options for treating the symptoms of your pink eye:
- ophthalmic glasses or contacts: Your doctor may recommend the use of ophthalmic glasses or contacts to provide the baby with correction to vision problems associated with eye infections. If you are pregnant, you will most likely need to wear prescription lenses that block out much of the light entering the eye. You can choose either Bifocal or Tri-Lash lenses that correct only certain areas of your vision.
- ointments: Your doctor may recommend the use of ointments or lotions to help provide some relief to your baby's irritation and inflammation. Some ointments contain a special eye wash, which helps to clear up the redness and pain associated with your baby's pink eye.
- Laser eye surgery: Your doctor may decide to perform laser surgery to remove infected tissue, remove infected corneal tissue and remove the cause of the pink eye. Although it is an invasive procedure, it is the most popular treatment for pink eye.