Do you need to stop taking Coumadin for high blood pressure?
If so, this article is for you. Learn more about the potential risks and benefits of taking Coumadin and whether it's right for you. And find out if you can stop taking Coumadin for high blood pressure without causing any other health problems.
What Are the Serious Side Effects of Coumadin to You? Common side effects of Coumarin include dizziness, chest pain, increased heart rate, diarrhea, upset stomach, gas, upset taste in the mouth, and changes in taste or smell. These side effects are typically short-term, but may last longer if you take too much of the medicine. If you experience any of these side effects, stop taking Coumarin immediately and contact your doctor immediately. These are not all the possible side effects.
What are the Potential Benefits of Taking Coumarin For High Blood Pressure? The benefits of taking Coumarin for high blood pressure can be both short-term and long-term. As a short-term benefit, Coumarin can help lower the risk of strokes. But even if you don't have a stroke, the treatment can help you lower your blood pressure and prevent the conditions that can cause one. For example, if you suffer from heart attack or high blood pressure, you can use Coumarin to lower your blood pressure. And because Coumarin can also lower cholesterol and triglycerides, it can lower the risk of developing heart disease, too.
How Long Does Long-Term Benefits of Taking Coumarin to last? As a long-term benefit, Coumarin can improve your cardiovascular health, which means that it can help keep you healthier for a longer time than traditional medications. This can lead to reduced stress and depression, less headaches, and better sleep.
Is it a Dangerous Drug? There are many ways in which a drug can be dangerous, and Coumarin is no exception. The most common way is to use the drug incorrectly, causing severe side effects or an overdose. In rare cases, taking the wrong medication may lead to death.
Why is Taking Coumadin Bad Side? It's bad for the heart. A lot of research has been done into Coumarin and heart health, including the possibility that it can increase your risk of heart attacks. While some doctors say the link between taking Coumarin and heart disease is unclear, there is growing evidence to suggest that taking Coumarin could increase your risk of heart attacks, stroke, or even your death.
How Bad is it for Heart Problems?
Some studies have shown that taking Coumarin can cause more serious heart problems. For example, the combination of taking Coumarin and taking aspirin can cause a condition called myocardial infarction.
So Should I Stop Taking Coumarin For High Blood Pressure? If you're still taking the medicine for high blood pressure and haven't had any heart attacks, your doctor may suggest that you consider taking a different medication. Your doctor may be able to recommend another drug that does not affect your heart in such a way.
What Other Drugs Can I Take After Taking Coumadin? Taking Coumarin can increase the effectiveness of certain medicines, so it is possible to take other drugs that can reduce the side effects of Coumadin, but at the same time prevent your heart from getting worse. However, you should talk to your doctor about your other medications before taking any of them.
Natural Treatments: One of the best ways to control high blood pressure is to make changes to your diet and exercise. Changing your diet to include foods that are high in antioxidants can also help lower blood pressure. It's also important to get plenty of rest.
Heartburn: Many people take Coumadin for heartburn relief, but the side effects of this drug may make it hard to control. If you don't treat heartburn with medications, it may cause more damage to your esophagus. In the long run, you may be unable to tolerate taking Coumadin. So if you have heartburn, talk to your doctor about changing medications that could be more effective.
There are other prescription medications on the market, including antacids and antihistamines, but they may not be as effective as natural remedies. If your heartburn is more severe than normal, your doctor may be able to recommend a stronger medicine.